
Complete list of articles published on this site.

A Spiritual Odyssey
Amazing Grace
And These Signs Shall Follow Them that Believe…..
Are Members of Christ’s Body Born Again?
Are Members of Christ’s Body Part of a “Priesthood?”
Are the Hebrew Epistles Doctrine to the Body of Christ?
Augustin, Bishop of Hippo, on dispensationalizing Scripture.
Baptism in the Grace Dispensation
Believing in Vain
Body, Soul, Spirit – The Human Trinity.
Christ’s return to earth in Matt. 24 is not the same event as his return in 1 Thess. 4:13-17
Christian Pacifism: Is it a Biblical Concept?
Christian Pragmatism: The “Emerging” Church
Christian Zionism
Differing Roles of Men and Women in the Church
Do Churches and Church organizations need to seek permission from the government to be exempt from taxes?
Does Being Saved Mean One Will Automatically Produce Good Works?
Does God choose us, or do we choose Him?
Evangelism vs. Evangelicalism
Filthy Lucre
For the love of money is the root of all evil…….
For the Unmarried Believer in Christ
For Unto Us A Child Is Born
For we walk by faith, not by sight
From Which “Plan” Shall We Build?
Fruit Inspection
Giving in the Grace Dispensation
God Bless America
God’s Will For His Children
God’s Present Dealing With National Entities
I am “Spiritual,” But Not “Religious.”
I Am Not A Charismatic
I Have Decided to Follow Jesus
If God is in control, why is there so much suffering and injustice in the world?
Is America in Old Testament Prophecy?
Is Prophecy being presently fulfilled in current events?
Is Salvation Universal?
Is the Biblical Account of Creation at odds with modern Cosmology?
Is the Body of Christ in a Covenant relationship with God?
Is the Body of Christ one and the same as the New Covenant Church?
Is The Truth “Overrated?”
Israel: Where does she stand in the Dispensation of Grace?
It’s Not My Concern
Jesus of Nazareth: Who Was He?
Justice or Mercy; Which do you prefer?
Justification vs Reconciliation
Keeping a Short Account with God
Left Behind
Make Us a King
Mighty signs and wonders
No Condemnation; No Separation
On The Horns of a Dilemma
On Understanding Scripture
Paul is the Pattern
Peace, and the Void Within
Protestant Evangelicalism: The Road Back To Rome
Rightly Dividing Paul’s Epistles
Romans 13
Salvation… It is the Gift of God
Should believers be enjoined to Fraternal Societies like the Masonic Lodge?
Should Christians Be Involved In The Current Battle For Our Secular Freedom?
Sin: Where The Rubber Meets The Road
Take No Thought
That Pesky Little Phrase
The “Other” Directed Life
The “Visible” And The “Invisible” Church
The Adoption…The Redemption of Our Body
The Age Old Battle Between Jews and Muslims: Who’s Right?
The Anointing
The Christian Religion
The Cost of Salvation
The Deity of Christ
The Emperor has no (Scriptural) Clothes
The Fellowship of the Mystery
The Forgiveness of Sins
The Foundation of the Gospel of Christ
The Good Ship America
The Judgment Seat of Christ
The Lord’s Supper
The Middle Wall: The Ordinances
The Millionaire
The Ministries of Peter and Paul
The Mystery
The Natural Man, the Carnal Man, and the Spiritual Man
The New Always
The Prophet’s Office
The Purpose of Paul’s letter to the Galatians
The Sinner’s Prayer
There is none that doeth good…no, not one
Thy Kingdom Come
To The Jew First
To Whom does the land of Canaan Rightfully Belong?
Were sin abounded, Grace did much more abound
What About The Red Letters?
What God is and isn’t doing in the world presently.
What is a Grace Believer?
What is the Gospel?
What must I do to be saved?
What Price Israel?
When That Which is Perfect is Come.
Where, on the Bible Timeline, does the “Rapture” Occur?
Who Are The “We” and the “Ye” in Ephesians?
Who Was the Author of the Letter to the Hebrews?
Who Was The Founder of Christianity?
Why Paul?
Why So Many Bible Versions?
Why the “big lie” succeeds with most of the population
Why the King James (only)
Why you should be concerned with Israel
Will Only Good People Go to Heaven?
Woe Unto Me If I Preach Not The Gospel
Works and Grace
Write it down, Jerry! A commentary on Jeremiah 36
Yes But, or But Now?
You cannot serve God and Mammon

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Amazing Grace Bible Study Fellowship (AGBSF) is a local non-denominational church fellowship dedicated to the publishing of the Gospel of Christ (Romans 1:16), and the preaching of Jesus Christ according to the revelation of the mystery of Romans 16:25 and Ephesians 3:3. Our goal is to study the Bible in accordance with 2 Timothy 2:15, in order to become established in the truth of it according to Romans 1:11; to the end that we might come into conformity with the will of God for our lives according to Romans 12:3.